Saturday, February 16, 2013

The Baby Social Scene

Elliot was a guest at his first birthday party today - the baby social scene begins! The party was for his buddy Lincoln, one of the members of his playgroup. They had a story teller come for the kids - he used various props and puppets, and although Elliot obviously had NO idea what was going on, he was kind of mesmerized by the whole thing.

He was so intent on watching that I was able to keep putting him in a standing position and he would stay that way for quite a while, staring at the storyteller while standing. I was never quick enough with my camera, though:

(down he goes...)

The exciting part was that, during one of his standing and staring episodes, he took his first step! It was a side step, because he likes to be unique, obviously.

Back at home, the "warm" weather we have had since the blizzard has made for nice, wet snow, so Mike and Henry spent the afternoon building another igloo in our backyard. They completed the project shortly after sundown, and then Henry spent a long time in it, sipping hot cocoa:

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