Monday, January 17, 2011


We spent the weekend at a family reunion for the Powell/Cary/Rohde family in Austin, Texas!

It was great to see so many members of our family there - all together we had 14 adults and 3 kids. A full house, which always means a lot of fun!

Alas, Texas weather did not fully cooperate, and it was cold and rainy most of the time we were there. But, if you are going to be stuck inside a house, a house full of people you love but don't get to see as often as you like is the way to go.

Henry playing soccer with cousin Patrick:

Playing at Zilker Park on a non-rainy morning:

The miniature train wasn't running that day, but Henry had a grand time playing on the tracks:

Evan enjoyed the fire truck at the park:

Playing with the newest family member - Patrick and Carrie's son Sam:

Sam is pretty cute:

So is Evan:

Evan, Henry, and Sam hanging out together:

Out for Barbecue at Salt Lick:

Aunt Bobbie keeping Henry entertained:

Saturday morning we went to the Austin Children's Museum. There were some trains for Henry to admire:

He barbecued:

Made some empanadas with new friends:

And learned a lot about physics:

Back at the house, Henry and Nana played trains:

Henry showed Evan some of his train moves:

Then Henry and Evan shared bedtime stories read by Cousin Liz and Aunt Jen:

After the kids were in bed, some of Austin's famous night life was (briefly) sampled:

We headed back to Boston (and the FREEZING cold!) yesterday. Henry did a great job on all flights, and fell in love with a sculpture in the Dallas airport:

It was a wonderful weekend, and was so great to see everyone. Nana, Papa, Dave, Jen, Evan, John, Bobbie, Patrick, Carrie, Sam, Liz, Patrick #2, Erica,Chris, Judd (in spirit) - we miss you already and can't wait to see you again (and next time I will do a better job with setting up the camera with the self-timer!)

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