Saturday, August 28, 2010


Henry's swim class ended the other week, and we decided for the next go-round we would sign Henry up for some private lessons instead of another class. The thought is that he will learn a bit more than in a class where he thinks it is fun to goof off with mom or dad in the water with him, or the non parent in the water classes where more than half his class time would be spent with him hanging on the edge of the pool waiting his turn. (plus, I am not complaining about not getting in the pool for class anymore - they made me wear a swim cap)

So, today was Henry's first private lesson. I was a little worried he would be scared, especially because Mike and I had to sit and watch from the other side of the center (also the reason for the bad photos), but Henry got right in and we could hear him laughing, yelling things like "1,2,3 BLAST OFF!" and generally having a great time throughout the lesson.

In other news, Henry had his last day at his old "school" this past week, and starts transition days for pre-school next week. I can't believe it!

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