Sunday, June 16, 2013

Catch Up

I've been slacking! Things have been a little crazy here with end of school activities (only two weeks left!) and Elliot has entered the "I'm getting a bunch of teeth plus REALLY want to communicate with you, but can't so I'm going to have a tantrum over something you don't understand at all and then throw this truck" stage. It's a little tiring.

Speaking of communication, here is the update on Elliot. Like his brother, E is a mover, not a talker. His first word was "Car". His full list of words is now:

- Car (said pretty clearly)

- Night Night (said "Nigh Nigh"

- Da Da (no explanation needed)

- Henry (said "NA!" - great enthusiasm behind this one. Most often said while running after him.)

- Truck (said "Da!" don't ask)

- Down (sounds kind of the same as the way he says truck, but context helps us on this one)

- Dog (said "Do")

He also has invented a sign where he uses one index finger to point to his opposite palm. It means "I want". What he wants when he makes the sign is sometimes a mystery.

He is also becoming better with body parts - he can point to his head, belly, and toes when asked. It's pretty cute!

In other news...Henry just finished his last soccer class of the season (no classes over the summer due to camps). I never managed to get any good pictures, but here are a few of him here in action:

During soccer class Elliot enjoyed doing things like showing me his belly:

And pretending to be a runway model with my sweater:

We have spent a lot of quality playground time in between torrential rainstorms:

And Henry went to his first Red Sox game!

When I asked him how the game was he said "I don't know, I was too busy eating". Like mother, like son.

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