Friday, December 7, 2012


We go to visit the same Santa every year at our local toy store. We LOVE this Santa and the store does a really good job, takes professional photos for you with no obligation, etc etc., so we love going there. Alas, it is only one afternoon a year and you need to sign up early for a slot, so you don't want to miss it.

The lucky day was today. Unfortunately, good fortune did not seem to be on our side. Elliot has been fairly miserable for the past few days - waking at 4:30 in the morning, barely napping, in general being very whiny and crying a lot (I am assuming teeth are on the way). Today was particularly bad for sleep, and then to add insult to injury we had a doctor's appointment and poor Mr. E had three vaccines given to him. (As an aside - Elliot is now weighing in at 20 pounds even - 53rd%, is 28 inches long - 48th%, and his giant head is down to only the 86th %)

So, we were guessing that Elliot today + strange bearded man in a red suit would = disaster. But, we had success!!!!!

This one makes me laugh...I have no idea what Henry is doing, and Elliot is just starting to realize that he is being held by a very strange man:

Here is Henry discussing what he wants with Santa, and Elliot debating eating Santa's hat:

Henry asked Santa for a ROBOT. What???? This is the first mention of a robot we have heard!

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