Friday, November 30, 2012

8 Months

Elliot is 8 months old!!!

What is our 8 month old up to? He has 2 teeth and eats like a champ:

He eats anything and everything. Zucchini gave him pause, but now he loves it. The only thing thus far he doesn't seem to like is cottage cheese - but he just made a terrible face at every bite and still let me feed him. He is also like a squirrel and tends to store pieces of food in his cheek for hours on end. (as an aside - the other day upon arrival at school drop off Henry discovered that Elliot had been holding a Lego in his mouth the entire morning. Oops).

He waves!

He isn't terribly consistent (or fluid with his movement) but the intent is there.

He is babbling a lot - his favorite sounds are Mamamamamama and Blablablablablablabka

And, of course, he is standing on EVERYTHING. Within the past week he has begun consistently cruising on the furniture and going between the couch and coffee table. Scary!

Happy 8 months to our little guy!

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