Tuesday, October 30, 2012

7 Months

Elliot is 7 months old!

What is our 7 month old up to? Well, he has his first tooth! His bottom middle left tooth popped through last week (in the midst of a bad cold, too. Poor thing). That sucker is SHARP, let me tell you. He may be getting his next lower middle tooth now - it is hard to tell, but he is a chewing maniac and has been pretty grumpy the past few days:

He sits!

He can't get into sitting position on his own yet, but can stay that way for quite a while when you place him in it.

Still commando crawling like a maniac. He is into everything - loves pulling books off shelves, goes right after power cords, may have eaten part of a magazine the other day.... He gets up on hands and knees constantly (which makes Henry chant "Hands and knees! Hands and knees!" very loudy whenever it occurs) but has yet to achieve motion like that.

He still isn't the hottest napper on the block, and still prefers a 5:30 AM wake up time (which fill us with dread at the thought of changing the clocks this weekend), but has moved his bedtime to 6:30 at night, so he gets a decent amount of night sleep.

He loves his solid food - we have yet to try something he dislikes. He loves feeding himself pieces of avocado and banana, but is a big mess while doing it, and drops 99% of it on the floor. His favorite foods may be peas, avocado (yeah!), and Greek yogurt.

Happy 7 months, Elliot!

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