Monday, July 30, 2012

4 Months

Elliot is 4 months old today!

What is our 4 month old up to? He can roll belly to back (well, he has done it about 8 times total over the course of the past few weeks, but each time he still seems very surprised, so I'm not sure how much he really "knows" how to do it...) and is soooooooo close to rolling back to belly. When you put him on his back he immediately rolls everything over...except for one of his arms which remains stuck beneath him. I am guessing he will figure that arm out and do a full flip shortly.

He has found his voice - lots of screeching in addition to the cooing these days. He throws in a few "Mmmm" and "Gooo" sounds occassionally. The evening is his talking time - he stays pretty quiet until about 6 PM each day and then lets loose and becomes Chatty McGee.

His new trick is blowing raspberries. He loves it. A little gross, but also insanely cute.

He is fully in his crib at night (Hooray!). He still naps in the swing about 50% of the time, but we are slwoly working on that (and to be honest. I don't really care where he naps - I just want him to sleep at night!). And no, he is not sleeping through the night yet.

He is grabbing toys and objects with a lot more skill and intent. His favorite things to hold and chew are burp cloths or blankets.

He laughs. Not consistently, but more and more. He laughs at himself in the mirror a lot, and loves to laugh when playing "elevator".

Happy 4 months to our little man!

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