Saturday, November 29, 2008

Giving Thanks

The Powells have returned from our Thanksgiving trip to Michigan! We decided that this would be an appropriate time to reflect on all the things we are thankful for in our lives:

- Our health (also known as the ability to run at a full sprint through the Cleveland airport carrying a diaper bag, a toddler, a collapsed stroller, a car seat, two coats, and a rolling carry-on ensuring that we made our connecting flight with mere seconds to spare. Also allowing us to avoid the heart attack the thought of missing the flight and being stranded in Cleveland could have given us)

- "Jack's Big Music Show" and portable DVD Players (thus ensuring the most serene flights we have had since Henry was 4 months old, and allowing Mike to sleep and me to actually read for brief moments of time. We are also now re-considering our policy of forcing Henry to fly unattended once he reaches age 7)

- Large freezers (to accommodate the spectacular- and spectacularly large - Thanksgiving meal that involved not one but TWO turkeys)

- Trader Joes Breakfast Bars (which allow our child to not starve since he refused to eat any Thanksgiving goodies)

- Black Bottom Cupcakes (My personal favorite, and kindly brought over by Pam. Thank you!)

- The Gym (a necessity for me now after the truly insane amounts of food consumed the past few days)

- Nintendo Wii and Mario Kart (for confirming to everyone that it is a GOOD thing I don't drive)

- New additions (family just gets better as it gets bigger - Henry is so excited to have a cousin coming this year!!!!)

In all seriousness, we are truly thankful for our wonderful family (those we were together with this week, and all those we were with in thoughts and spirit). Happy Thanksgiving!

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