How can this be??? It means that in less than a month he will be ONE. Toddler-hood approaches!!
So, what is our 11 month old up to? He remains the world's slowest teether...he has 4 teeth fully in (middle top and bottom) and the ones on either side of his top middle have been visible but not poking through for THREE WEEKS now. Ugh.
Elliot can stand on his own very well...but he chooses not to the vast majority of the time. He is prefectly happy sitting and crawling, thank you very much. We had many people say that he would be walking by 10 months since he was crawling so early, but I think his abilities with crawling are actually making him completely unmotivated to walk. Crawling is so fast and easy! He has taken a step here or there, but only when not paying attention to what he is doing. He has zero drive. I am now very doubtful he will be walking by his birthday.
He has started waving more predictably, but his wave is a really funny "beauty queen" type of wave involving much wrist rotation.
His new favorite activity is putting things into containers and then emptying them out again. The tupperware drawer is a favorite:
He has figured out how to: flush the toilet, open the cabinets, sneak past the gate into the playroom, and can easily go up the stairs in about 3 seconds if you aren't watching (getting down is another story!)
He takes after his brother in the sleep department- goes to bed perfectly and easily, but feels that 5 AM is an acceptable time to start the day, and is a not so hot napper. We are eagerly anticipating the time change next week. Considering that he stopped sleeping past 5 AM after the time change in November, we will be sorely disappointed of "springing forward" does not improve things.
And,as we can see from these pictures, he REALLY needs a haircut.
Happy 11 months, Elliot!
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