He has been "walking" by pushing things around for some time now - his highchair, the dining room chairs, his toys, etc. The problem with this is when he inevitably hits the wall or a large piece of furniture, he would begin crying because he couldn't keep going and couldn't figure out how to turn around.
Yesterday - he figured it out! He was pushing his "learning table" all through the house. When he hit a wall he would laugh, walk around the table to another side, and successfully push the table in another direction. A small thing, yet a big thing at the same time.
Here is a picture of him gleefully "walking" with his table:
He now loves to walk around the house while you hold his hands, and especially loves to be a showoff and do it one-handed. He also has taken a liking to being like a little spiderman and "cruising" all along the walls only using the walls themselves (no furniture) for support. Yesterday after I grew weary of endlessly walking him around the house and sat him down, he became frustrated and attempted to stand on his own in the middle of the room. He wasn't able to do it, but real walking may be sooner than I think....
In other Powell news - our weariness of winter grows as we woke to yet another few inches of snow this morning. We have gone through more containers of salt than I care to think about the past few months. Henry's top two middle teeth are RIGHT THERE - you can actually see them under the gum (kind of gross) but they haven't broken through. They look HUGE - he may be slightly Bugs Bunny-esque for a while. Henry also brought us all great joy by ending his nap strike yesterday and taking TWO long naps...and then slept until 6:30 this morning!!!! We feel like new people - thanks Henry! :)
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