Heading out was a bit of a worry - the day before we left Elliot came down with a bit of a stomach bug, and by the time the evening rolled around he had a fever, was inconsolable, and generally a mess. Mike and I are still somewhat scarred from the trip we took with Henry at this same age when he had a 103 degree fever on the plane (prepare yourself for saddest picture of a baby on a plane EVER):
(Poor Henry!)
But a miracle occured and in the morning Elliot woke up happy as a clam and fever free. So, off we went!
Once again, the pool was the big hit for Henry. He is getting better at his independent swim skills, and spent most of his time doing crazy jumps off the side of the pool:
Elliot was not a huge fan of the pool. He spent his outdoor time playing with toys and staying away from the insanity in the water:
Henry was super excited to find a snake in the pool one day! (Me...not so much)
We headed out one afternoon to the Gumbo Limbo Nature Center:
A walk to the beach one day let us to discover an outdoor Zumba class that the kids were fascinated by (and Henry attempted some of his own moves!)
Another day we visited the Explorium at Sugar Sands park - Aunt Gina very pariently held Elliot for a long time while he was mesmerized by some of the exhibits:
And of course there was indoor Lego time:
Coming back to the New England cold was a bit sad, but luckily Spring is around the corner!