His height and weight are staying exactly on at 75% for height (now 35.5 inches) and 60% for weight (now 29.3 pounds). According to an oh-so-scientific "height predictor" calculator I did online today, this means he should be at least 6'1" as an adult - we shall see.
Naturally we discussed the lovely "terrible two" behavior he has been experiencing, and the Dr assured me that he is not in need of intense psychological help. I received a mini-lecture on more adequately ignoring Henry's whining (oh, he is the KING of whining), so "Operation Ignore" should be starting tomorrow.
We also finally get to take him off whole milk and got the official OK on all nuts (good thing since he has been having peanut butter sandwiches for a few weeks now), and I got the exciting news that I really don't need to be quartering his grapes, hot dogs, etc. anymore. Anything to save time these days!
To celebrate his good appointment I treated Henry to his first ice cream cone of the season:
Then we went to the park and did this for about two hours (no joke):