First, the good news - we had a great trip. Henry had a wonderful time hanging out with Mark and Gayle, Mike and I had a fun time in Chicago and the wedding we went to was very fun. All in all, a good trip.
The bad news - we have decided to NEVER fly with Henry again. The next time we take a family trip will be when Henry is 7. At that point we will take separate flights and have him be on his own flight in the "unaccompanied minors" program watched over by loving flight attendants and airline personnel. Mike and I will take our own flight and read.
I joke, I joke. Maybe.
Seriously though, flying with an extraordinarily active 15 month old may be one of the hardest thing ever done. Our fellow passengers were alerted to the fact that it would be a looooong flight when Henry reached decibel levels I previously thought could only be heard by dogs as we attempted to put him in his car seat. He just was NOT a happy kid - the only thing he wanted to do (walk and explore) was the only thing he couldn't do. There were varying degrees of tantrums throughout the flights, one of which involved the lovely experience of Henry throwing his sippy cup at me. Nice. We also had the parenting joy of a diaper blowout in the Detroit airport (glad I packed him an extra outfit!)
I can't blame him for being cranky - both days we flew were long days involving him being in a stroller or car seat 90% of the time (attempts to let him burn off energy in the airport were not that successful, due to his obsession with trying to get on the escalators), and not really being able to nap. Who wouldn't be cranky??? I am assuming (hoping) that flying gets easier once he is able to do more "sit down" activities like coloring or watching DVDs (the DVD Player was a bust on this occasion - Henry apparently doesn't care one whit about Barney or Baby Einstein. This is probably a good thing...)
But, other than the flights it was a great trip. Thanks again to Gayle and Mark for watching Henry while Mike and I were at the wedding!
Here is a picture of Mr. Porkchop enjoying the 4th of July parade in Grand Rapids: