The Red Sox are (once again!) World Champions!
It is a thrilling day in Boston and the Powell household. Henry is a lucky child - only 6 months old and he has already seen the Sox win the World Series.
Now, for our shameful news...
None of the Powells were actually up and awake to see the Sox win :(
I know, is pathetic. And we call ourselves fans. But COME ON - what parents of a 6 month old can stay up until 1 AM to watch baseball? A valiant effort was made by all, though...
Henry made it until 7:15 PM (so, he not only missed the END of the game, he missed the whole darn thing. Since he is not yet allowed to watch TV and has no real grasp of the rules of baseball yet, this is OK).
Mike made it until about 11:15 PM.
Devon, the lone hold out, made it the latest - 11:30 PM!!!
We were confident in the ability of our team to sweep the Rockies, so we went to bed knowing that we would win (we stopped watching at the bottom of the 8th inning, so missed the drama that came at the end of the game).
Henry and I may be venturing down to Fenway Park tomorrow to see the beginning of the victory parade...I am trying to decide how crazy it will be and therefore how "baby appropriate" it will be. On one hand, it is noon on a Tuesday - how drunk and rowdy can people be? On the other hand, this is Boston, so chances are very good that people will be VERY drunk and rowdy.
Regardless of what we do, Henry will be wearing his Sox gear tomorrow in celebration. We look forward to many more World Series wins!!!!